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What an exciting day to close a rewarding Preparatory Seminar of Insight China 2016!
Jointly with our sister projects, Focus India, connectUS and exploreASEAN, we have welcomed various sponsors and partners to the first edition of the Career Fair at the International Students Projects’ Preparatory Seminar. Many students have benefited from the chance to learn more about the graduates programs and potential jobs that our sponsors offer. Hopefully, this event enabled many of our sponsors to find their future employees!
Additionally, we would like to use this opportunity to thank our sponsors and partners for their goodwill and continious support towards our projects!
After a short lunch break, the projects’ Joint Main Partner Blaser Swisslube AG presented all the Delegation members and course participants with a live case.
Next, we had the honour to welcome Mr. Heinz Karrer, President of economiesuisse, at our Preparatory Seminar. The roughly 100 students as well as many professors, lecturers, sponsors and partners representatives listened to his speech about the Swiss education system and what opportunities and benefits it creates for the young Swiss.
The Friday afternoon was full of highlights as Mrs. Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, Head of SECO, joined our Preparatory Seminar to give a speech about Switzerland’s negotiation strategies with other countries and the process of Free Trade Agreements. On behalf of all International Students Projects, Insight China had the chance to interview Mrs. Ineichen-Fleisch after her speech. More information on this interaction will be published in due course on our website as well as in the students projects’ joint magazine “Nexus” later this month.
To close a week that has been full of learnings, interesting speeches, interactive workshops and rewarding company visits, Mr. Michael Jeive, Head of the International Students Projects, has thanked everyone who has contributed to the success of this week – sponsors, partners, supervisors, the four PR Teams and especially the Project Teams.
It is now only 5 weeks until the Delegation leaves for China and can apply learnings from this week and see how business works in China! To say the least… we cannot wait!

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Categories: Insight China