Preparatory Seminar, Day 5 – Career Fair, a Last Get Together and a Big Thank You

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On the final day, all four projects came together for a joint program, starting with a Company Walk and a Career Fair in the morning, followed up by a last Panel Discussion in the afternoon, a Thank You speech and a lot of applause.

Friday marked the end of the Preparatory Seminar. It was a similar sight as on the very first day, when all project teams met up in the Auditorium on the ground floor of the FHNW in Olten. Traditionally, all International Students Projects would spend the day together. Starting with the Career Fair, all students of the FHNW, regardless if they were participating in an international program or not, could meet up with potential employers, perform speed interviews and check their CV for improvements. To get a quick introduction, every attending company got the chance to introduce themselves within 2 minutes. With names like our Platinum Partner Bertschi AG, KPMG, DT Swiss, BBC Group, EBL, accenture and more, the students had a lot of interesting businesses to choose from.

Trough the whole morning, the atmosphere was really relaxed and personal. The networking opportunity was definitely a win-win for everyone involved.

After lunch, everybody had found themselves seated in the Aula A030 for a final Panel Discussion about “International Collaboration”. With Prof. Michael Jeive this time being the host of the discussion, the four panellists Dr. Ensar Can, Project Manager at Economiesuisse, Dr. Stefan Hirschberg, Head of Laboratory for Energy Systems at the Paul Sherrer Institute, Markus Mader, Director at the Swiss Red Cross, and Mark Moser, internationally experienced Lecturer at the FHNW School of Business, shared their extensive knowledge among each other within the next 90 minutes of stagetime. The experts illustrated the key learnings from a successfull international collaboration as a mixture of giving and taking, having defined scopes and goals and staying curious. It is no secret that working on an international scale is bringing us to our limits, but this must not be a reason for not doing it.

To quote Markus Mader: “If you want to go fast, do it alone. If you want to go far, do it together.”

In a final speech, Prof. Dr. Mathias Binswanger, Economist and Lecturer at the FHNW School of Business, exemplified the relation between economic growth and happiness, and stated that in a developed society, growth does not equal happiness.

The last word had Michael Jeive, thanking all of the involved parties in a rather short, but very inspiring and well worded Speech. During his Thank You statement, he especially mentioned the replanning of this year’s Insight China project and thanked everybody cordially for their endless support and patience. With a grand applause, Prof. Jeive ended his Speech but not before asking every project team member and supervisors on stage.

The Preparatory Seminar has been an all out success. Coordinating and Executing a project on such a scale needs a lot of time, dedication and passion.

We at Insight China thank everybody for your interest, support and making this week possible. Thank You so much.

Sincerely Your Insight China Team

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