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The week slowly is coming to an end, but the speeches in room A024 are still as intensive as on the first day. With startup experts, a valuable lesson from Roche and a Panel discussion about the future of our subject, the day was over in an instant. Luckily the end of the evening promised Chopsticks for everybody.

As the opening speaker of the day, Dominik Trost led Insight China into the early Thursday. With his open and friendly way to talk, his stories about becoming an entrepreneur generated interest among the listeners. As one of the two Co-Founders of the startup HoloOne, which focused on developing a standardized AR business platform. Within one hour, Dominik Trost talked about the challenges when expanding to China & the USA, and the opportunity he saw in the potential of Augmented Reality. With HoloOne’s created platform ‘sphere’, that won the Swiss Industry 4.0 award among other prizes, the startup aims for global recognition.

Since Augmented Reality still provides considerable capability, Trost and his startup partner are trying to provide a platform, which is also attractive for supply chain management, since it makes things like warehouse management and indoor navigation way more easier. “You have to go now, the competitors are not sleeping.”

After Dominik Trost, there was a joint speech with explore taking place. Second to the podium was Cristina Castro Gonzales de Vega from the Hoffmann-La Roche AG. With 19 years of experience in Global Supply Chain Management, she gave the students another compact introduction to the Roche AG before entering the complex world of supply chains. She talked about the challenge of how to reach everybody with the medicine they need and showed off the four barriers of the Supply Chain which divided into Affordability, Availability, Quality & Compliance. After a short Questions & Answers section, the audience was dismissed for lunch, ending the morning of the fourth day. 

After lunch Insight China got support in the form of four supply chain experts. Led by our FHNW lecturer Marta Ventosa, Hans-Jörg Bertschi, Executive Chairman of the Board at the Bertschi AG, Markus Herrmann, Director and experienced advisor focusing on business policy, Prof. Michael Jeive, Head of the FHNW China Centre Research and Consultancy, and Luigi Pezzuto, Head of PostLogistics International of the Swiss Post joined the stage together and introduced the students shortly to their respective company, challenges and standpoints regarding global supply chains.

Following the introduction, the experts carried out the discussion, involving questions from students. With the addition of a table-turning workshop, groups of students could circle between the four speakers and ask their questions individually.

Due to the interesting subject, Thursday evening arrived quicker than expected, and it was time for some ‘Delegation Only’ time, meaning Chopstick Games and later drinks at the bar to jingle out the day.

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