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All good things must come to an end, as the last day of the Preparatory Seminar is marked by the Joint Friday. Traditionally, all four International Student Projects, Insight China, Focus India, ConnnectUs and exploreAsean are gathering together on this day. This year’s topic of the Joint Friday was fully dedicated to “Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence”.

The Joint Friday started off with the presentation of our long-term joint partner Blaser Swisslube. CEO Marc Blaser held a fantastic speech regarding his company, its values and why people like us are increasingly needed.

After lunch, the Career Fair started, where most of our sponsorship companies had the chance to present themselves. In total 15 companies were present. All FHNW students had the possibility to maybe meet their future employer and find out about attractive career possibilities.

In the late afternoon, a panel discussion on new technologies regarding Blockchain and AI was held and moderated by Prof. Michael Jeive. The roundtable consisted of:

Cyrille Wetter (FHNW Student), Christa Markwalder (Swiss National Councillor), André Wolke (CEO & Co-Founder Validity Labs), Sven Mentl (Accenture), Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann (FHNW), and Prof. Michael Jeive, Managing Director of the FHNW Swiss SME Research Center China as the moderator. Today, with all the modernization AI increasingly gets more important. The world is constantly facing new technologies, nearly making the impossible possible. But what if the technologies are not always used in a positive manner? For all panelists, it is clear that one has to stand open towards these changes but keep them in a controlled manner. The time was clearly too short to cover this topic more thoroughly, but the discussion gave some great insights for us.

Last but not least, the Joint Friday was closed off by a wonderful apéro of the FHNW.

Herewith, the Insight China Team would like to thank all guest speakers, visitors, partners, delegates and participants for participating in our preparatory seminar and making it one more successful week of the international student project’s history.

Project Teams of the four student projects

Next stop: The On-Site Seminar in China!

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Categories: Insight China