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For the third day of the preparatory seminar the project team has organised two interesting company visits. The delegation had the opportunity to get an impression of the facilites of Brugg Cables in Birr/Brugg and Bertschi in Birrfeld.

Our first stop was at the facility of Brugg Cables in Birr, whereby we got warmly welcomed with some coffee and croissants by the company’s CEO Urs Schnell. After a quick introduction, we put on our safety vests and were guided around the facility. It is impressive how the production process of their cables look like and how precisely the work has to be done. For the second part of our morning, we travelled back to Brugg to the other facility of Brugg Cables. There we had the great opportunity to have an insight of the production of high-voltage accessories and how they finally look like.

After this morning, fully packed of impressive and interesting tours, the hunger started to begin. A big thanks goes to Urs Schnell and the kitchen for providing us with delicious hamburgers and sweets.

Group Picture with Delegation, Guides and CEO of Brugg Cables Urs Schnell

After having lunch we headed to Birrfeld to visit the facility of Bertschi. As well here, we got warmly welcomed by Beat Berner (Head of Marketing & Communication) who gave us additional details to Bertschi. Sabrina Gränacher (HRM) provided us with an overlook of the trainee program of Bertschi AG, followed by Demi Ben from Hupac who gave us an insight of the company and One Belt One Road initiative. Before heading out to have a look at their outside activities, Thomas Schnider presented Bertschi’s project in China. We then went outside for our Terminal-Tour whereby we had a closer look at the containers of Bertschi and their daily routine. To close our day Bertschi provided us, luckily in the warm again, an apéro.

We again would like to thank our long-term partners for having and supporting us!

One can say that the expectations on the preparatory seminar have been exceeded by far. On top of interesting speakers and companies, the delegation got a deeper understanding on Chinese culture and business customs. We are looking forward for the last two days to come!


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Categories: Insight China